4 minute read

Pineapple Mk7


First you’ll want to install a few dependencies in order to start wardriving.

You can use this script below, or just install the packages


opkg update

opkg install gpsd gpsd-clients kismet kismet-capture-liux-wifi

Kismet setup

After installing the dependencies you will need to modify the kisment.conf file in /etc/kismet/kismet.conf

add this line in the GPS section: gps=gpsd:host=localhost,port=2947

GPS Options

There are 2 options that you can use for your GPS module.

  1. A USB GPS dongle
  2. Android phone over Wi-Fi with GPSd Forwarder

Option 1

Follow the steps belew to setup wardriving with a USB GPS device.


Connect your GPS USB device to your pineapple and verify it is recognized by typing:


You should see the following output:

Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1546:01a7 u-blox AG - www.u-blox.com u-blox 7 - GPS/GNSS Receiver

You can also verify by typing dmesg | grep ttyACM0. The output should be the following.

[   62.694133] cdc_acm 1-1.3:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device

To verify everything is working run the following commands:

gpsd /dev/ttyACM0

This tells gpsd the input source for GPS. If the command executes successfully then you can continue. Then type


Then the output below should appear.

/dev/ttyACM0                  u-blox>
│Ch PRN  Az  El S/N Flag U ││ECEF Pos:   000000.00m  0000000.00m  0000000.00m │
│ 0   0 000   0  00 0000   ││ECEF Vel:     -0.00m/s     +0.00m/s     -0.00m/s │
│ 1   0 000   0  00 0000   ││                                                 │
│ 2  00 000  00  00 000d Y ││LTP Pos:  00.000000000°  00.000000000°    00.00m │
│ 3  00  00   0  00 000c   ││LTP Vel:    0.00m/s   0.0°   0.00m/s             │
│ 4  00  00  00  00 000d Y ││                                                 │
│ 5  00 000  00  00 000d Y ││Time: 1 01:21:24.00                              │
│ 6  00 000  00  00 000d Y ││Time GPS: 2264+ 91284.000     Day: 1             │
│ 7  00  00  00  00 000d Y ││                                                 │
│ 8  00 000  00  00 000d Y ││Est Pos Err   0.0 m Est Vel Err   0.00m/s        │
│ 9  00 000  00  00 000d Y ││PRNs:  0 PDOP:  0.0 Fix 0x00 Flags 0xdd          │
│10 000 000  00   0 0000   │└─────────────────── NAV_SOL ─────────────────────┘
│11 000 000  00   0 0000   │┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│12 000 000  00   0 0000   ││DOP [H]  0.0 [V]  0.0 [P]  0.0 [T]  0.0 [G]  0.0 │
│13 000   0 -00   0 0000   │└─────────────────── NAV_DOP ─────────────────────┘
│14 000   0 -00   0 0000   │┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│15 000   0 -00   0 0000   ││TOFF:  0.000000000       PPS:      N/A           │
└────── NAV_SVINFO ────────┘└─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

wardrive.sh script

After you’ve verified the GPS device is working you can setup the following wardrive.sh script.


pkill gpsd # kill any current gpsd process
pkill kismet # kill any kismet process
ifconfig wlan1 down # bring down wlan1
ifconfig wlan2 down # bring down wlan2
#ifconfig wlan3 down # if you have the 5GHz module oncomment this line

gpsd -n /dev/ttyACM0 # Set the GPSD input from USB Device
sleep 1 # wait for a lock
#gpspipe -w | grep -qm 1 '"mode":3'

UTCDATE=`gpspipe -w | grep -m 1 "TPV" | sed -r 's/.*"time":"([^"]*)".*/\1/' | sed -e 's/^\(.\{10\}\)T\(.\{8\}\).*/\1 \2/'`
date -u -s "$UTCDATE"

# If you have the 5Ghz module you will need to add wlan3 to the config
iwconfig wlan1 mode Monitor
iwconfig wlan2 mode Monitor 
kismet -p /root/kismetlogs -t wardirve --override wardrive -c wlan1 -c wlan2

Copy this script to your Wifi Pineapple. After you’ve copied it over and your Android phone is streaming GPS information over wifi you can begin this script.

chmod +x <filename> to make the script executable.

./<filename> to run the script

Option 2

Follow the steps below to setup wardriving with an Android Phone.

GPSd Forwarder

  1. Download GPSd Forwarder for Android off of Google Play or F-Droid
  2. Open the app and set the IP address to the address of your pineapple. (Default is
  3. Set the port to 9999

After you’ve donwloaded and setup the app. Connect your Android phone to the Pineapple via the management Wi-Fi.

Wardriving Script

The following script assumes 2 things.

  1. You do not have the 5Ghz wifi module for the pineapple.
  2. You are using GPSd for your GPS forwarding with an Android Phone.

pkill gpsd # kill any current gpsd process
pkill kismet # kill any kismet process
ifconfig wlan1 down # bring down wlan1
ifconfig wlan2 down # bring down wlan2
#ifconfig wlan3 down # if you have the 5GHz module oncomment this line

gpsd udp:// # Set the GPSD input from the android phone

sleep 1 # wait for a lock
#gpspipe -w | grep -qm 1 '"mode":3'

UTCDATE=`gpspipe -w | grep -m 1 "TPV" | sed -r 's/.*"time":"([^"]*)".*/\1/' | sed -e 's/^\(.\{10\}\)T\(.\{8\}\).*/\1 \2/'`
date -u -s "$UTCDATE"

# If you have the 5Ghz module you will need to add wlan3 to the config
iwconfig wlan1 mode Monitor
iwconfig wlan2 mode Monitor 
kismet -p /root/kismetlogs -t wardirve --override wardrive -c wlan1 -c wlan2

Copy this script to your Wifi Pineapple. After you’ve copied it over and your Android phone is streaming GPS information over wifi you can begin this script.

chmod +x <filename> to make the script executable.

./<filename> to run the script


Once you’re done running the script 2 files will be generated in the kismetlogs folder on the pineapple.

  • YYYYMMDD-15-10-31-1.wiglecsv
  • YYYYMMDD-15-10-31-1.kismet

You can open the wiglecsv file in any excel or csv application. First remove the top line in the file:


Then import it into the excel,csv application. The column headers should be:


You can further extract data from this file by writing a python script to parse the CSV and group the data.

Kismet UI

If you want to modify other settings in Kismet you can start the service by typing:


in the terminal

Then navigate to

All the settings can be adjusted here.